I am using an Nvidia TX2 with a set of 3 cameras and a Pixhawk flight controller. I am attempting to record 3x 4k image streams and IMU data from the Pixhawk.
The issue I am having is that rosbag record consistently dies at 4.3GB of bag size. It also leaves the bag as "active" when it stops. I have tried this with 4K resolution as well as lower resolutions; the only difference in outcome is that it happens sooner with the 4k imagery (always at 4.3GB).
This is the rosbag command I use.
rosbag record -b 0 -O /media/nvidia/C61C-EBE4/debug.bag /mavros/rc/out /mavros/cam_imu_sync/cam_imu_stamp /mavros/imu/data_raw /mavros/imu/data /camF/camera /camF/camera_info /camRR/camera /camRR/camera_info /camRL/camera /camRL/camera_info __name:=bag_record
This is the error I get.
[ INFO] [1551125050.845895518]: Recording to /media/nvidia/C61C-EBE4/debug.bag.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rosbag::BagIOException'
what(): Error writing to file: writing 24883246 bytes, wrote 9454209 bytes
I have tried to find the answer and came across this: https://answers.ros.org/question/218816/error-closing/ but no answer there. Any ideas on what might be going wrong?
Thanks in advance!