How to build a map from a recording with gmapping
I followed [this tutorial]( with the rosbag provided in the tutorial. Here is the map it produces:  and now I'm trying to build a map with this...
View ArticleSemantics of `%time` timestamp in `rostopic echo -p` from bagfile?
When I print the topic data using `rostopic echo -p -b filename.bag /topic_name`, there are two timestamps in the output. One comes from the header of the message (third column: `field.header.stamp`),...
View ArticleError in using pyrosbag?
Hello everyone I am trying make a bag file of rgb images and depth images that are saved in .mat file (h5py fomat), in Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic with pycharm IDE. import pyrosbag import h5py import...
View ArticleStoring rosbag::Bag in std::vector results in segfault
I am attempting to store some `rosbag::Bag`s in a `std::vector`, but calling: std::vector bags; bags.push_back(rosbag::Bag()); results in the following segfault: #0 0x00007ffff62c7c6d in...
View ArticleSource for downloading rosbag files containing pointclouds
Hey, Can anybody help me with the source from where I could download the rosbag file containing **point cloud data** ? It is very important . Please help!
View Articleany provision in python to read .mat data and store it in rosbag file format?...
Hiii, I am trying to store signal data from avi into a .mat file and again to store the .mat data into bag file using python. Please help me with that.
View ArticleHow to write python code to read pointcloud data from a bag file and display...
I've a bag file. I need to write a Python Application which reads that bag file and display on RVIZ. but i'm not finding any RVIZ APIs tutorial to use. Could you please help me how to proceed in this...
View ArticleAdd tf to existing bag file
I have created a ros node that does a tf transformation. I want to merge this new frame to an already existing bag file. I did this with rosbag record -a. (Played the existing bag and my ros node doing...
View ArticleHow can I throttle multiple ROS nodes at once?
I currently have a three-camera setup that I want to record data from using `rosbag`. However, I want to slow down the video feed from these cameras (from default 30fps to 3fps). I found out that you...
View Articlegmapping issues with laser pose
I'm working on creating a server map using the tutorial: The odometry data is being published, and I have a hokuyo utm-30lx laser...
View ArticlePlotting rosbag topics in a single plot
I have a (large) rosbag. I want to plot a few of these topics (in the same plot). I don't need any playback feature. I can load the bag with rqt and plot topics, one topic per plot. But can I have more...
View ArticleSimulating real camera data
Hi guys, Is there a way I can simulate camera data similarly to how rosbag works? I tried rosbag but was missing tf data so that didn't work. is it as simple as adding another topic to record? looking...
View ArticleFinding Bufferd frames in tf2_ros::Buffer (c++)
I am creating a post-processing utility where I read all the transforms from a .bag file into a tf2_ros::Buffer. I would like to be able to ask the Buffer for all the frames it has cached. I don't see...
View ArticleTf_echo missing timestamp
Hi, I start to play my rosbag and **then** I start tf_echo : rosrun tf tf_echo odom map This is the output : > At time 1559381315.708> - Translation: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000]> - Rotation: in...
View ArticleHow to read a point cloud (.pcd) file and send it to a rosbag
Hello, I just started using the Point Cloud Library. I followed some initial tutorial [here]( on how to use it. I am trying to send a...
View ArticleTried to insert a message with time less than ros::TIME_MIN Aborted (core...
Hello, after successfully reading `.pcd` file from a file as asked on my [previous...
View Articlerosbag and parameters dump with unique timestamp in filename
Dear all, my problem is the following: I want to save a rosbag file and dump at the same time the content of the parameter server on a file. I want the file and the rosbag to have exactly the same time...
View ArticleRosbags record parameter server data?
I am working with some rosbags, `rosbag info` shows that there are some `dynamically reconfigurable` parameters which i want to configure but these `parameters` are not shown when i use `rosparam...
View ArticleHow to sync images captured with different frequecies through timestamps
Hi, I recently recorded some images with a RGB camera (operating with at 20 Hz) and a Lider (10 Hz). Now I would like to align those two images. However, they are not synchronized due to the different...
View ArticleWhen an intended exit occurs, rosbag status problem.
Hi, all I am using rosbag to record some data automatically with systemd service in ubuntu. When an intended exit occurs, the rosbag file is not completed status as * I tried the bellow...
View ArticlePossible to record a specific time window (from T1 to T2) of a rosbag?
Hello, I am trying to understand if it is possible to record only a specific time window (from Time T1 to time T2) in a `rosbag`. The reason for this is that I need to print the result of specific...
View ArticleSlow Rosbag Image Extraction.
I am having issues extracting images from the bag files with the Python API, the extraction process is very slow. An example would be extracting frames from a bag containing video messages, the...
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