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AttributeError: module 'rosbag' has no attribute 'Bag'

I apologize if this is a seemingly very simple question, but I am stumped. I am trying to do the tutorials for rosbag: http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Code%20API using the Python example for read, and I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "rosbag.py", line 1, in import rosbag File "/home/jason/Documents/Testing_rospy/rosbag.py", line 3, in bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag') AttributeError: module 'rosbag' has no attribute 'Bag' I am using a VM with Ubuntu 16.04 32-bit running ROS kinetic. I assume there's a dependency I'm missing for using rosbag with python (3.6.1, editing with Sublime Text). I am able to run the yaml import from 1.3 here: http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Cookbook and I can get the info from the terminal and view the bag msgs in rqt. My python IDE works fine since I can create .py files and run them from the terminal with expected behavior. I tried to look through as many files as I could and I've seen things on configuring the PYTHONPATH correctly, but nothing specific to rosbag. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!

ROSNODE Subscriber for custom datatype Python

I have a rostopic names `/scanpoints` of type `datatypes/scan_point_2018`. This is the custom datatype. The `scan_point_2018` is defined in some path `/path/..../scan_point_2018.hpp`. I need to write a subscriber for this topic and I tried the following code: #!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String def callback(data): rospy.loginfo("%s Header: %d" % (data.header)) def listener(): rospy.init_node('scan_listener', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("/scanpoints", String, callback) rospy.spin() if __name__ == '__main__': listener() As expected it through error: [ERROR] [1526286071.031024461]: Client [/scan_listener_6042_1526286069827] wants topic /scan_listener to have datatype/md5sum [std_msgs/String/992ce8a1687cec8c8bd883ec73ca41d1],but our version has [datatypes/scan_point_2018/9af20afc1058845793165634a89c8aa7]. Dropping connection. I need to know how to call this custom datatype in my code? Do I need to include path of the file scan_point_2018.hpp or any other suggestions please!

How to decode binary data from a rosbag ?

When i try to echo the topics of a bag file, i get a message : ` data: !!binary | ChQJpiM5J7b11UESB2dhdGV3YXkYSRI7GAEt0YmNPjUAAAAARQAAAABNAAAAAF0AAAAAqAEAsAEA uAEAygEUCaYjOSe29dVBEgdjaGFzc2lzGAcamgEKGwl+jANaaLcaQRG3Y7kbwu1QQRlNc4QFq/qd vxIkCQAAAAAAAAAAEQAAAAAAAAAAGbZX/zsVBNw/IYPT7lNnxew/GhsJlaAsEDqx0T8R+pqtiJCs kzwZBQSdL5XVZj8iGwmW/f98qKacPxHERbyH1aKhvBlzAOArHy9+vyobCfeLggMmjbI8ER2XZG1t Jzg/GfBTn4g5Yn08IQAAAAAAABxA` This data seems to be binary encoded. The message type of this topic is `string`. How can i read this data ?

How to remove a TF from a ROS bag?

I have a bag that contains a large TF tree where one TF (base_link->virtual_cam) was calculated based on several TFs and parameters. I would like to replay this bag without this generated TF in order to interactively re-generate it as a play the bag. Hence the question, how do I remove this TF from the bag? Alternatively, can I play the bag without outputting this TF? Specs: Ubuntu 12.04, Fuerte

Indigo: failing to build rosbag, missing header

Hello everyone, I am trying to build and cross compile ROS Indigo for a custom board that features an ARM processor running a custom Linux distribution. Besides a few identical warnings I will deal with later, the process fails at what seems to be the very end of the build process, when when putting together the rosbag package. The output is the following: Scanning dependencies of target rosbag [ 12%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/src/player.cpp.o [ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/src/recorder.cpp.o In file included from /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag_storage/include/rosbag/bag.h:41:0, from /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag/include/rosbag/recorder.h:59, from /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag/src/recorder.cpp:35: /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag_storage/include/rosbag/chunked_file.h:44:19: fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/build.make:86: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/src/recorder.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/src/recorder.cpp.o] Error 1 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... In file included from /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag_storage/include/rosbag/bag.h:41:0, from /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag/include/rosbag/player.h:51, from /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag/src/player.cpp:35: /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/src/ros_comm/rosbag_storage/include/rosbag/chunked_file.h:44:19: fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/src/player.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/src/player.cpp.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:648: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/rosbag.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 I am using the following toolchain file: set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++) set(CMAKE_SYSROOT /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross/sysroots/cortexa7hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross/install /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/lz4-1_1.8.1.2-1-arm.pkg/usr) set(PYTHON_LIBRARY /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross/libpython2.7.so.1.0) set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross/include/python) set(TinyXML_LIBRARY /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross/libtinyxml.so.2.6.2) set(TinyXML_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/include) set(BZIP2_LIBRARIES /home/jjtq/mtp_catkin_ws/cross/libbz2.so.1.0.6) set(BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/include) # Have to set this one to BOTH, to allow CMake to find rospack set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM BOTH) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PACKAGE ONLY) I have checked and the header "bzlib.h" is indeed in folder /usr/include, which is set in the toolchain file for BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR. Any idea of what is it that I am missing? The process has so far been kind of dirty and "hacky" because I am not familiar with build systems and crosscompiling to this degree, so please forgive any inacuracies and screw ups :) Best regards!

rosbag reindex / fix result in empty bag file.

Hi to all, I'm facing with a problem in recovering one bag file marked as `*.active`. I have tried to execute the sequence reindex / fix, none of them fails, but the resulting `.bag` file is empty. Can someone give me some hints?

exclude some topics from rosbag play

I have a bag file with a bunch of topics inside of it, is it possible to *exclude* some topics from being played back? For example, the bag file might have: topics: /camera/depth/image 150 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera/rgb/image_color 150 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /joint_states 2500 msgs : sensor_msgs/JointState /rosout 35 msgs : rosgraph_msgs/Log /rosout_agg 35 msgs : rosgraph_msgs/Log /tf 7697 msgs : tf2_msgs/TFMessage And I might be interested in playing back everything **except** the `/tf` topic. Is there a shorter way than `rosbag play file.bag --topics ` with all topics?

Creating a bag file out of a mp4 video

I have a .mp4 format video and want to create a bag file out of it to use for ORB_SLAM2. I know that need to publish my video to a topic. Once my video is being published need to record the video topic. I already create the image_transport package and the publisher node. Also build it. Its working but I need to publish a video stream topic not single image. There is tutorial code "Adding video stream from a webcam" but I already have the video steam. So any help regarding this? Thanks

Can't get an image from a rosbag file in rviz

Hello. I have two mashines. One has a started roscore and iai_kinect2 package. I recorded a rosbag file with one topic (/kinect2/qhd/image_color/compressed) on another PC. But when I tried to look at it in rviz, I have the warning message "No image received". Though when I started rviz with iai node it show images. What happened with images in bag files? How can I record the data properly? Thanks

Node hangs when bagging image_raw

I have a fairly straightforward ROS node that contains two subscribers. The callbacks for these subscribers do some pretty large matrix math, but here's the catch: The node runs totally fine when I am not recording a ROS bag. However, when I record a ROS bag that includes "/usb_cam/image_raw" (along with many other topics) the node will occasionally hang, not registering any callbacks for up to 1.5 seconds. After the hang, the node proceeds to register callbacks again and do everything right until the next hang up. The tricky thing here is that if I bag "/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed" instead of "image_raw", the hang ups do not usually happen (I've only seen it happen once). But if I bag "image_raw" they happen nearly everytime. Now I thought this would clearly be a CPU overload issue, but looking at htop while everything is running, the CPU loads do not go over 70%. Another option is that there is some loop that the node hangs up on in the callback, but I think I can rule that out since it never happens when I do not record a rosbag. Have you seen similar hang ups? If so, any ideas where to look or how to solve the problem? I am running Ubuntu 16.04 on a Jetson TX2 with ROS Kinetic. Thanks!

Get rosbag record status

Hi! I am looking for a way to find out about the current status of "rosbag record". More specifically, I want to know the filename of the currently recorded file and the filename of the last completed file. This is basically the information printed to [INFO] in the terminal window, but I do want to use the information in another ROS node. I have checked the parameter server and the list of advertised topics, but could not find anything related. Any idea how to achieve this? Thanks!

rosbag to npz or h5 conversion

This is more a general question since I am wondering that there are no standard tools out there (found actually many approaches via google, but nothing serious). **The application is as follows**: - I generate training data in simulation and store everything into rosbags. - Further, I want to import the data to python to run some deep learning framework (like TF or keras) on it. Using the rosbag api to interface the bags directly is, from my point of view, no option since it is comparable slow when loading the files. Thus, I wrote my own scripts to convert, in this case, images to npz files. But this would mean that for any other file format, I have to write my own converter which is a bit exhaustive. Are there any general or preferable approaches/tools/scripts out there for rosbag conversion to npz or h5? To give a little overview, I'd like to start a list with approaches I found. Will also extend this list from time to time: - https://github.com/strawlab/bag2hdf5 - https://gitlab.com/rosbag-development-team/rosbag-hdf5 - https://gist.github.com/bigsnarfdude/eeb156dc7b4caca69f5b31037da54708

rosbag tools for bag operation

I recently started to work exhaustively with rosbag. Also started with extracting videos out of it and also start writing my own tools for timestamp manipulation (which was a nice exercise btw). But then I found that there already exist tools for all these task. Before I start writing more tools for bag operations, I'd like to ask what other repositories/packages/tools exist. So my first (incomplete) list to work with bag files is as follows: - Native rosbag - http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag - https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/tree/kinetic-devel/tools/rosbag/scripts - http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Cookbook - http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/rosbag/html/index.html - bag tools - http://wiki.ros.org/bag_tools - rqt_bag - http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_bag - http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_bag_plugins - rtq_bag_exporter - https://gitlab.com/InstitutMaupertuis/rqt_bag_exporter - https://discourse.ros.org/t/qt-rosbag-exporter/4964 Any more suggestions?

Playing big files with rosbag

Hi everybody, I am running Ubuntu 12.10, with ROS Groovy. My computer has a i7 processor with 6GB of RAM. I am recording in rosbag data from two kinects (and two skeletons). Of course, I din't recorded the "PointClouds", but only the raw images. However, my files go up to 50 GB for a 12minutes videos... My problem is that for such big files, "rosbag play" takes forever to start to play the data. I was wondering on the way it works. Indeed, I thought it played a stream of the data, thus, whatever the size of the file, it should not take that much longer to start playing. However, as I saw in my experiment, it is not the case. Thus I maybe thought that rosbag play is putting a lot in memory, or doing some "precomputation" ? If someone who knows how rosbag works could enlighten me of his knowledge, it would be great. I know this question is very technical, but I would really like to find a way to open my files after recording them, without having to buy a new "very powerful and expensive" computer... My first thought would be to record each topic in one bag, and then replay them all in the same time... But seems a bit stupid to do that, as I think rosplay would need to "realign" in time all the messages. Thanks in advance, Steph

rosbag API - Problems writing .bag files in a different thread

I will try to explain briefly. I am programming a tool to cut .bag files, for example, according to an initial and ending time. Everything is handled by a GUI. In this interface, there is a progress-bar which shows the time-progress (which it may take a while if the .bag is large). Once the output .bag file is created with the desired messages in the new time range, it displays a description in the GUI. To do so, I need multiple-threads. I have a thread where I perform the cutting process. The problem is that it does not write anything into the output .bag file. It obtains the Input .bag and creates an output .bag, but this last one is totally empty. This is the thread, just part of my code: class TaskThread(QtCore.QThread): # Signals to communicate with GUI taskFinished = QtCore.pyqtSignal() outputdescriptionChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) def __del__(self): self.wait() def run(self): print "Executing functions within THREAD..." # Function to convert times to UNIX timestamps new_start_datetime_unix, new_end_datetime_unix = time_converter_to_unix(self.start_dt, self.start_dt) # --> Function outside the thread to obtains times from GUI (works fine) # Input/Output .bag files print "" print "Input .bag file path: ", self.input_dt print "Output .bag file path: ", self.output_dt # Create new .bag file and write every message between both times print "Starting to write" with rosbag.Bag(self.output_dt, 'w') as outbag: for topic, msg, t in rosbag.Bag(self.input_dt).read_messages(topics = self.topics_dt, start_time = rospy.Time.from_sec(new_start_datetime_unix), end_time = rospy.Time.from_sec(new_end_datetime_unix)): outbag.write(topic, msg, t) print "Writing..." print "Writing finished" # Create .txt file with output .bag description output_txtfile(self, self.output_dt) # <--- Function outside the thread to write txt files (works fine) print "Finishing functions within THREAD..." print "Finishing thread..." self.taskFinished.emit() Result: The terminal prints "Starting to write..." and directly goess to "Writing finished". It creates even the output .bag (so the line with *with rosbag.Bag(self.output_dt, 'w') as outbag:* it works). But it does not write. The same code without threads works perfectly and writes the messages correclty. Is there some problem writing .bag files inside threads? Did you experience something similar using the rosbag API? Thanks,

How can I record a single message in a rosbag to reserve to reload for future use?

I have a node that creates a motion plan of the type moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory. I want to hold this motion plan for future use (i.e., load it later to "execute" it). However, I only want to save one of these motion plans to a file at one time: i.e., I want my .bag file to only ever contain one file so when I load it, I will only load one motion plan. Any suggestions for ways to do this or better ways to accomplish the same end? This concept is easy to implement in matlab by just overwriting files. Here is some of my code... void automaticCallback(const geometry_msgs::Pose::ConstPtr& msg) { ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(4); spinner.start(); std::string jointgroup = "sia5dArm"; move_group_interface::MoveGroup group(jointgroup); moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup::Plan my_plan; group.setPoseTarget(*msg); bool success = group.plan(my_plan); ROS_INFO("Visualizing plan 1 (pose goal) %s",success?"":"FAILED"); if (success == true) { std::vector trajectory_points; trajectory_points = my_plan.trajectory_.joint_trajectory.points; std::vector::size_type points_number = trajectory_points.size(); std::vector motionPlan_msg; std::vector motionPlan_times; for (unsigned i = 0; i::size_type joints_number = trajectory_points[i].positions.size(); double trajectory_time = ros::Duration(trajectory_points[i].time_from_start).toSec(); motionPlan_times.push_back(trajectory_time); for (unsigned j = 0; j("motionPlan",1000); motionPlan_pub.publish(motionPlan_position); ros::spin(); } ros::waitForShutdown(); } (A side note... if anyone can see anything wrong with my spinners, please lmk. It keeps throwing an error telling me I need multithreaded spinners, but I when I try that nothing publishes.)

Read parameter in launch file

Hi, I am new to ros and I am two launch files. The first launch file launches a script in cpp which sets a global parameter. The second launch file (optional run) needs to read this parameter in its args tab. Can anyone suggest me how to do this? P.S. The global parameter is /folderpath I tried creating argument folderpath. The second launch file is < /launch>< arg name="folderpath" value="/folderpath" />< node pkg="rosbag" type="record" name="record" output="screen" args="-O $(arg folderpath) /rostopic"/>< /launch> Thanks in advance.

Can I play a ros bag one message at a time?

I would like to play one message when I press enter and to be able to advance like this through my bag. Any built in method or hack to do this?

Recording tf_static from rosbag api.

I am recording data about my robot's motion and trying to play it back offline. When I call `rosbag record [topics]` from the terminal with the topics of interest specified, all data is collected and playback with `rosbag play [bag file] --clock` works fine. However, when I move the recording to a node using the api it always seems to forget one topic... 'tf_static'. I am using the `joint_state_publisher` and `robot_state_publisher` to broadcast the transforms of my robot's joints. I am able to playback bag files collected via the terminal, but since I am missing `tf_static` from the bag files recorded with the node, playback does not work. How do I force `tf_static` to republish when opening a new bag file for recording? ***Rosbag Info from Terminal (tf_static present)*** path: 2018-05-24-14-30-38.bag version: 2.0 duration: 7.3s start: May 24 2018 14:30:39.43 (1527186639.43) end: May 24 2018 14:30:46.69 (1527186646.69) size: 34.1 MB messages: 1494 compression: none [38/38 chunks] types: bond/Status [eacc84bf5d65b6777d4c50f463dfb9c8] crawler_msgs/CrawlerStatus [9bab7663a76ff2ea474c48d7a7d54e83] rosgraph_msgs/Log [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb] sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214] sensor_msgs/Image [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743] sensor_msgs/JointState [3066dcd76a6cfaef579bd0f34173e9fd] tf/tfMessage [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec] tf2_msgs/TFMessage [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec] topics: /camera1/depth/camera_info 24 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera1/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 24 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera1/rgb/camera_info 24 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera1/rgb/image_rect_color 24 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera2/depth/camera_info 24 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera2/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 22 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera2/rgb/camera_info 23 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera2/rgb/image_rect_color 21 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera3/depth/camera_info 23 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera3/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 21 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera3/rgb/camera_info 25 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera3/rgb/image_rect_color 22 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera4/depth/camera_info 22 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera4/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 24 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera4/rgb/camera_info 21 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera4/rgb/image_rect_color 23 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera_nodelet_manager/bond 813 msgs : bond/Status /joint_states 79 msgs : sensor_msgs/JointState /mobile_base/status 9 msgs : crawler_msgs/CrawlerStatus /rosout 76 msgs : rosgraph_msgs/Log /rosout_agg 1 msg : rosgraph_msgs/Log /tf 148 msgs : tf2_msgs/TFMessage /tf_static 1 msg : tf2_msgs/TFMessage ***Rosbag Info from Node (tf_static missing)*** path: 2018-7-19-13-24-54.bag version: 2.0 duration: 6.2s start: Jul 19 2018 12:24:53.84 (1532017493.84) end: Jul 19 2018 12:25:00.05 (1532017500.05) size: 26.8 MB messages: 1252 compression: none [31/31 chunks] types: bond/Status [eacc84bf5d65b6777d4c50f463dfb9c8] crawler_msgs/CrawlerStatus [9bab7663a76ff2ea474c48d7a7d54e83] rosgraph_msgs/Log [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb] sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214] sensor_msgs/Image [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743] sensor_msgs/JointState [3066dcd76a6cfaef579bd0f34173e9fd] tf/tfMessage [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec] topics: /camera1/depth/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera1/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera1/rgb/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera1/rgb/image_rect_color 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera2/depth/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera2/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera2/rgb/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera2/rgb/image_rect_color 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera3/depth/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera3/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera3/rgb/camera_info 17 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera3/rgb/image_rect_color 17 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera4/depth/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera4/depth_registered/image_rect_raw 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera4/rgb/camera_info 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo /camera4/rgb/image_rect_color 18 msgs : sensor_msgs/Image /camera_nodelet_manager/bond 667 msgs : bond/Status /joint_states 59 msgs : sensor_msgs/JointState /mobile_base/status 6 msgs : crawler_msgs/CrawlerStatus /rosout 1 msg : rosgraph_msgs/Log /rosout_agg 1 msg : rosgraph_msgs/Log /tf 232 msgs : tf/tfMessage

Setting use_sim_time without launching separate roscore

To get Rviz to play my rosbags correctly after the first loop (using arguments `loop`, `pause`, and `clock`), I have to start a separate roscore and do `rosparam set use_sim_time true`. Setting this param in a launch file that launches Rviz and the `rosbag play` command doesn't work: After the first loop the `/tf` transforms aren't published correctly anymore. Can I do this in one launch file somehow?
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