I have recorded a bag file from a robot (not simulated!) that contains raw sensor data that is in this state not usable by other nodes I require.
I also have a node that would on the robot perform preprocessing on this raw sensor data. Now I'd also like to be able to use this same node and perform postprocessing on my recorded bagfile (containing raw sensor data).
My current approach is to have a launch file that runs a rosbag play node, another rosbag record node and also starts the transform node. But I don't know how to tell rosbag record node within the launch file that the rosbag play node has finished.
Also another related question: the recorded bag I have is quite large. Right now I do the playback using /use_sim_time = true. Would it be possible in this case to not use the sim_time and therefore fast forward the post processing process?
Thanks for any insights!