Hello to all,
Currently I am working on a project and we need to extract data from a bagfile and process it.
After my research i found that the [rosbag API](http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Code%20API) could be used for my purpose.
I have a general idea of how to code what I want by using the API but my problem comes on how can import it into my project.
What should I do to be able to use the rosbag API in my project?**
Basically i cannot `#include ` in my project so I cannot use any functionality of the API.
I tried to write this in the CMakeList.txt of my C++ project in CLion but it gives an error on the compilation because it cannot find the packages.
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
rosbag rosconsole roscpp roslib sensor_msgs std_msgs )
Is there a guide or some information about how to do it?m