I'm writing to enquire about possibility of ROS supporting or creating a custom sensor message type for video stream (images).
Our product, based on the FPGA, generates the rosbag file and logs one video stream in one file. It uses the VideoLink protocol, which is packet based, so all events on the parallel interface need to be packetized. The ROS message data here holds a data block.
The internal structure of a data block consists of a series of data packets each reflecting one line of the video data, or other data arriving via video link. Short data packets (without actual image) are here to store specific events that are natural to the video link and need to be stored in order to allow all features to be present during playback in a later moment. Long data packets contain one line of a video frame, but may also contain a metadata info block coming over the video link, as sent from camera.
Our goal is to be able to access the video (or images) from the recorded bag files using CvBridge or similar library which supports OpenCV image file format. In a current configuration, ROS environment doesn't recognize this type of message. Is there a posibility to include some plug-in conversion function or a different ROS library which will convert our format to some useable ROS message type.
Thank you for your consideration!