Hi to all,
i have recorded several bag files which contain different topics recorded at different rates.
For example:
topics: /sensor/FilterStatus 11514 msgs : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus
/sensor/Imu 11497 msgs : sensor_msgs/Imu
/sensor/NavSatFix 11514 msgs : sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
/sensor/SystemStatus 11498 msgs : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus
/sensor/Twist 11514 msgs : geometry_msgs/Twist
/robodyne/enc 718 msgs : std_msgs/String
/robodyne/io 719 msgs : std_msgs/String
/robodyne/sys 719 msgs : std_msgs/String
/robodyne/velocity 719 msgs : std_msgs/String
/rosout 9 msgs : rosgraph_msgs/Log
As you can see, messages related to `sensor` are sampled at a very higher rate than the `robodyne` messages.
I need to have all the topics with the same amount of messages and so I would like to find a way to filter the `sensor` messages and extract only 10 samples per second.
Can you suggest me a solution, please?