Hello ROS community,
We are running our ROS system on a 6-core multiprocessor machine (8GB RAM, 32GB eMMC storage, 64bit ubuntu Linux) and **experience significant load increase when turning on ROS recording**.
In detail, **without recording** our system has roughly a **load of 1 between 2**. Once we **turn on recording** (rosbag record -a) our **load climbs up to roughly 5 or even 6**.
The amount of data we log is roughly 200KB/sec and is mostly comprised of *float32* values. This is not insignificant, but I am still surprised that recording has such a high impact.
Since we do not fully max out our CPUs, I assume the load is mostly related to IO!?
*My questions:*
- Given the amount of data we log, is this load profile "normal"? or are there any tips to improve this?
- if this can hardly be improved would it make sense to isolate the recording process on a separate machine to protect our core robotics system from slowing down?
Thanks a lot for reading.