I am using rosbag to playback a bag file with messages from `/tf`, `/scan`, and `/initialpose`. I am trying to use `amcl` to localize the robot within that bag. I have set `use_sim_time` to be true.
The problem now is that the localization is not working properly: Even though `tf` messages indicate that the robot should be moving around, the localization from `amcl` is almost fixed around initial pose. I ran `rqt_tf_tree` (see below) and see that the timestamp of tf transforms from `/map` to `/odom` is less than the one from `/odom` to `/base_footprint`. I've tested several times, and it's always like this. According to amcl documentation, amcl publishes future dated transforms. So I believe if I fix the timestamp issue, amcl will work properly.

Does anyone have any idea why `amcl` is not publishing future dated transforms? How to force it to do so?
Additionally, here is an image with RVIZ showing the TF transforms. The problem is that, `/odom` is not fixed, but `/base_footprint` seems to be fixed.

I appreciate your help.