Howdy folks
I have logged some RGB and Depth images from a ZED camera in a rosbag, along with the camera info messages. I didn't save the point clouds as this was making the bagfiles too big. Instead, I replay my bagfiles and make use of the depth_image_proc nodlets to construct the point cloud. Unfortunately I noticed that my cloud geometry is warped and I suspect that that I have been using an incorrect distortion model.
***Question 1*: Does the depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgb nodelet take the distortion model into account when constructing the point clouds from the depth image and the camera info data?**
Assuming that the distortion model is used for generating the point clouds, then I would like to somehow update my bagfiles with the new distortion model. When searching for an existing tool to achieve this, I found ****** in bag tools :
***Question 2*: I am a C++ ROS programmer, and I don't have experience with using Python in ROS. Can someone please explain to me how I would need to use . How does the replacement YAML input file have to look like?**
Thanks in advance